Features of CCE Report Card Software
- Promotion Policy has been implemented in the Software
- Recent guideline regarding co scholastic area has been implemented in the software
- Has SMS facility. So you can send SMS the result to parents on their Mobile No.
no internet connection is required for SMS.
- Percentages and Maximum marks can be changed, in FA or SA both, if CBSE makes changes.
- Grades slabs are editable / changeable, if CBSE makes changes later on.
- Language option is editable, because, students are given choice in schools.
- You can create your own bank too, by adding of ‘n’ numbers of Grade wise Descriptive
Indicators, which one can edit / delete too.
- In Co- Scholastic areas, grade can appear on, one / multi selection of descriptive
indicators too.
- Subject teachers marks entry table is available on more than one systems, teacher
can take the print outs too, to enable them, to cross check or verify, the marks
she / he entered.
- Consolidate class wise, subject wise, marks / grades details sheet can be prepared.
- Separate Result print outs of FA 1 to F4, SA 1 & SA 2 and of Term 1 and Term 2 can
be taken.
- You can take out Print outs of FINAL RESULT Report Card along with PERCENTILE, (Percentile
calculations is the most difficult and time taking exercise).
- School’s name and address along with logo in required colour scheme can be incorporated.
- Report Card can be mailed as an attachment.
- All fields, as mentioned above are editable, but can be password protected, if required.
- RESULT can be received on mobile by sending SMS (Optional)
- Improvement Module(Compartment) well Maintain old as well as new marks in database of each student
- 100% Secure System. Can define different rights on users level upto n numbers.
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