School Fee Collection Software Module
Student Information Module:
Student details with photo graph.
Students parents details (father, mother and guardians
- address phone no and other details).
- Student Academic details (Admission details, TC/CC, bus route, concession, staffward
and categeory ).
- Career details (goals, strength weakness, class teacher’s comments).
- Previous school details document submitted in the school.
- Advanced searching options by different heads.
- Many predefined reporting system to fulfill the time to time requirement.
- User defined reports to satisfy changing requirements.
- Export option to MS-Excel andmanymore formats.
- Students I card printing&bus I card printing module.
- Transfer certificate birth certificate printing module.
- Promotion of students from one year to another and one class to another.
- Monthly attendance entry of students.
- Event certificates printing for different events (performance certificate in different
functions like annual function, sports/games, arts and extra-curricular activities)
- Easy editing of many students in single screen by easy info editor.
- Roll no. allotment as per your student register.
- Student wise dossier entry and reports.
Fees Management Module:
- User defined fees heads and installment definition module.
- Computerized fees counter management module to manage the fee collection.
- Automatic generation of defaulter list.
- User friendly module tomanage multiple type payment.
- Student wise/class wise/section wise/installment wise/fees head wisedemandand collection.
- Date wise/student wise/class wise/installment wise/fees head wise collection details
inmany formats.
- Student wise dues notice printing inmany formats.
- Class wisesummaryDuefee statements.
- Class wise monthly Lump-sump fee which show fee should be collected in amonth.
- Student Account which means fees charges by school and receipts in one report.
- Day book.
- IncomeRegister.
Examination Module:
- Generate copy checking sheet for each class.
- Admit card printing module to attend exams.
- Exam wise/class wise/section wise/subject wise blank mark slip printing module.
- Roomallotment for every student to create siting plan.
- Excel sheets with every room’s student siting plan.
- Student wise/Subject wise mark entry option.
- Co-scholastic/Health status/self awareness and other details entry as per CBSE norms.
- Area wise/sub area wise Indicator creation module.
- Unique and different indicators for every student with theirnames and automaticallymanage
- Term wise/compiled (till final term) mark sheet printing options. Class section/student
wise mark details printing.
- Class section subject wise marks details printing.
- Class wise/examwise marks comparison reports.
- Class wise student marks detail.
- Cross List for double checking to remove possible errors.
- Progress reports to show student progress in parent meeting.
- class wise generate rank list.
- Printing Examgreen sheets/examregisters.
- Print grade cards as per CBSE format from III class till X class.
Library Management Module:
- Creation of initial masters like publisher/subject/book category/department/language/author.
- Newbook receiving option.
- Generate book nos. for each book to maintain stock.
- You can create a list of keywords. These keywords may be index of book or summary
of books. In easy words you can give a short information about book.
- Book searching option publisher wise/subject wise/book category wise/department
wise/language wise/author wise/given keywords wise.
- Book Issue to students/staff/teachers.
- Manage Issue date/Due date.
- Get reports of over due books.
- Charge fine fordamage or lost of books.
- Class wise/Student wise FineReports.
- Book Issue/book receive register.
- Pending book register.
Staff Management Module:
- Teaching and non-teaching staff master creation with their salary details.
- Daily basis attendance entry.
- Any payment or advancemadeby staff.
- Month wise attendance sheet.
- Month wise salary sheet with complete details (Current month salary, advance made
in this month, dues of last month and finalamount to be pay).
- Month wise or given date wise payment/receipt registers
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